How to Brew Coffee with a Hario V60


 Step 1: Gather your supplies
Hario V60 dripper: Ensure you have the appropriate size dripper. Sizes typically range from 01 (small) to 03 (large).
V60 paper filters: Use high-quality paper filters specifically designed for the Hario V60 dripper.
Coffee beans: Choose high-quality whole beans and grind them just before brewing for optimal freshness.
Grinder: If you don't have pre-ground coffee, you'll need a grinder to grind the beans. A medium-fine grind is recommended for the V60.
Kettle: You'll need hot water, so a kettle with a gooseneck spout is ideal for better control.
Spoon or stirrer: Something to stir the coffee with.
Step 2: Heat water
Fill the kettle with the desired amount of water and heat it. The ideal water temperature for V60 coffee is around 200°F (93°C). Let the water sit for about a minute after boiling to reach the right temperature.
Step 3: Pre-wet the filter
Place the V60 dripper on top of your cup or carafe, and insert a paper filter into the dripper. Rinse the filter with hot water to pre-wet it and remove any papery taste. This also warms up the dripper and preheats your cup or carafe. Discard the rinse water.
Step 4: Add coffee grounds
Measure out the desired amount of coffee beans. As a general guideline, a ratio of 1:15 coffee to water is often used. For example, if you're brewing 1 cup of coffee, you'll need about 1 tablespoon (7-8 grams) of coffee grounds. Adjust the amount based on your personal preference for strength. Grind the beans to a medium-fine consistency.
Step 5: Bloom the coffee
Add the coffee grounds to the pre-wetted filter in the V60 dripper. Gently shake the dripper to level the grounds. Start a timer and pour a small amount of hot water (about double the weight of the coffee grounds) onto the grounds, just enough to saturate them. Allow the coffee to bloom for about 30 seconds. This allows the gases to escape and ensures an even extraction.
Step 6: Pour in a controlled manner
After the bloom, begin pouring the remaining hot water in a slow, circular motion over the coffee grounds. Pour in a controlled manner, aiming to evenly saturate all the grounds. Start from the center and spiral outward, gradually pouring in a steady stream. Pour until you reach the desired amount of coffee, keeping in mind the coffee-to-water ratio.
Step 7: Maintain a steady pour
Continue pouring the water in a circular motion, avoiding pouring directly onto the filter to prevent channeling. Maintain a consistent and steady pour rate. If the water level in the dripper gets too high, allow it to drain slightly before continuing to pour. Aim for a total brew time of around 2-3 minutes.
Step 8: Let it drain
Once all the water has passed through the coffee grounds and dripped into your cup or carafe, remove the dripper and discard the used filter. Allow any remaining drips to fall.
Step 9: Serve and enjoy!
Pour the freshly brewed coffee into your favorite mug or cup. Take a moment to appreciate the aroma and flavors of your meticulously brewed coffee. You can enjoy it black or add milk, cream, or sweetener according to your taste preferences.
Remember, these instructions are general guidelines, and you can adjust the coffee-to-water ratio, grind size, pour rate, and other