Rwanda Bourbon Hingakawa Women's Co-Op Coffee Beans

Rwanda Bourbon Hingakawa Women's Co-Op Coffee Beans
Rwanda Bourbon Hingakawa Women's Co-Op Coffee Beans
Regular price $14.00
Hingakawa translates to " Let us grow coffee"
Hingakawa is co-op of woman coffee farmers from Rwanda. These woman have lived through some of the worst and darkest days in African history. These woman strive to grow the finest coffees, along with a path to reconciliation, revitalization, and improved livelihoods. This is a true gem of a coffee and one which demonstrates coffee farming can bring positive changes.
Origin: Gakenke, Northern Province, Rwanda.
Cooperative: Hingakawa women's association.
Varietal: Bourbon
Altitude: 1800-2200 metres above sea levelĀ 
Process: Fully washed, dried on raised beds.
Certifications: organic , fair trade
Cupping notes: medium acidity, stone fruit, and lemon pound cake.