Torani Sugar Free Irish Cream Syrup (750 ml)

Please note that due to unforeseen weather conditions, there may be some delays in shipping our sugar-free syrups. While we're doing everything we can to ensure timely delivery, the weather may impact transit times. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
The only thing this syrup is lacking is the sugar. Splenda® delivers sweetness while keeping it calorie-free. So you still get that smooth, creamy coffee, vanilla-kissed taste. Suggested Uses Torani Sugar Free Irish Cream Syrup works well in lattes, mochas, and iced coffees. % Daily Value* Serving Size 1 oz. Total Fat 0 0 % Servings per 750ml bottle 25 Sodium 20mg 1% % Calories 0 Total Carbohydrates 0 0 % Calories from Fat 0 Sugar 0 Protein 0 * Percent daily value is based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet.