Torani Gingerbread Syrup (750 ml)

Run, run as fast as you can. You'll want to catch this gingerbread man. The flavor of ginger snaps reminds you of cheerful holiday times. The fresh-from-the-oven taste of this syrup gives off hints of cinnamon and molasses. All this means your coffee and lattes are about to get pretty amazing.
Suggested Uses
Torani Gingerbread Syrup is perfect for lattes, hot chocolates, and mochas.% Daily Value*Serving Size 1ozTotal Fat 00 %Servings per 750ml bottle 25Sodium 40mg2% %Calories 100Total Carbohydrates 23g8% %Calories from Fat 0Sugar 23gProtein 0* Percent daily value is based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet.